Friday, June 11, 2010

I thought this was going to be a super long day!!

This was Sydneys first experience with a hospital....we went into the hospital to have her adenoids removed and possibly her tonsils, but thankfully only had to remover her adenoids. I was the only nervous one, Sydney was excited about getting all the ice cream she wanted....but I was so nervous because I didn't know what to expect, if she was going to have to get an IV or how she would react when she left me to go back to the OR because they would not allow me to go back with her. She was such a trooper, the only thing that was bothering her was my picture taking because she never enjoys mommy taking pictures. The nurses were great with her, and when it came time for her to go back to the OR, she gave us kisses and away she went with a smile on her face. While I waited for her in the waiting room, I think it was the longest two hours of my life....the surgery only took about 30minutes, but they left her in recovery for about 1hr before they would allow us to go back and be with her. When the doctor came to update us after the surgery, she let us know that she did not feel her tonsils were causing any of the sleep apnea and she didn't feel that she could remove them for no reason so she removed her adenoids only and the recovery time would be much smoother.

When Sydney came back from the OR, she was kinda groggy but happy to see me and I was SO happy to see her! When only spent about 30minutes in post-op and then they let us leave and when we left, the first words from Syd were, "Mommy what are we having for breakfast...I want eggs and pancakes." I couldn't believe she was so ready for some real food! So I let her have for lunch a grill cheese and a bake potato....and she hardly left anything on the plate. She felt great for a couple of days but then on Sunday, two days later started complaining and not feeling very well. But it only took a few days and she was back to my sweet, fun, busy girl! And now we are ready to start our summer!

Waiting to go back to the OR...snuggling with her blanket and bear and soft pillow and enjoying some cartoons....funny thing is that she felt the TV could only be heard if she held the TV speaker up to her ear like a telephone.

Party hat on and ready to ROLL!!!

Stop the pictures already Mommy!!!!

This is in post-op and my girl is enjoying a yummy Popsicle....But are ready to go to the house and enjoy our Popsicles at home!!!

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